■ PhD research, School of Human Science, Anthropology, Osaka University (2012-2018)
Research focuses;⑴ knowledge production in the laboratory, (2) political and economic aspects of life science
Long-term fieldwork research at a laboratory of stem cell science and regenerative medicine in Japan
Discourse analysis (media and policy documents) and internet research (SNS, blog and so on)/ In-depth interview with other 100 people (scientists, policy makers, medical doctors, patients and so on)
Papers were published in Social Science &Medicine, NatureCulture and more. One paper in press inn Social Studies of Science.
■ Postdoctoral Research, Institute of Humanities, Anthropology, Kyoto University (2018-now)
Research focuses as an individual project; (1) how people understand their bodies in particular gut and microbes, (2) how scientific knowledge constructs human and microbe relationships
Research focuses as part of an interdisciplinary project (“Planetary Crisis and Local Change”); how people are shifting away from a food system that relies heavily on imported products and mass production by engaging in regenerative agricultural practices
Multi-sited ethnography (food workshops, shops, restaurants and laboratories)